Horse Paddocks/Farming Simulator 19

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The in-game Minimap icon for a Horse Paddock.

A Horse Paddock is a type of Animal Pen in Farming Simulator 19. It is one of 5 different types of Animal Pens available in the base game. The Horse Paddock allows you to raise Horses, improving their value over time until they can be sold for a massive profit on your investment.

Horse Paddocks must be purchased and placed manually on the map within an owned Parcel. You may place more than one Horse Paddock. Each Paddock has a hard limit on the number of Horses it can hold. Horse Paddocks need a lot of space to place down, but are not very expensive structures.

Horse Paddocks feature 4 different drop-off/pick-up areas. Horses themselves must be purchased separately, and either sent straight to the Paddock (for a fee) or brought there by Animal Transport (for free). You must physically enter the Paddock (through a gate or by jumping over the fence) in order to ride your Horses and clean them.

Horse Paddocks do not produce anything, but have a limited capacity for input materials (Water, Straw, Hay and Oats) that depends entirely on the number of horses housed within the Paddock at any given time. The type of materials stored inside the Paddock determines the potential for horses to improve their Fitness levels at midnight, and also determines whether they gain or lose Health every hour. Horses may be trained inside or outside the Paddock by riding them around. Eventually, they can be taken away to be sold for profit, as the only profit avenue of the Paddock.

Farming Simulator 19 offers two different models of Horse Paddocks by default. They differ in price, physical size, and the number of Horses they can hold.

List of Horse Paddocks

Below is a list of all Horse Paddock models in the base game. They can be found in the "Placeables" category, under the "Animal Pens" sub-category.

Name Price Maintenance Cost per Day Capacity Required Space (Meters)
Width Length
FS19 Lizard-HorsePaddock.png
Lizard Horse Paddock
50,000 50 FS19 Icon Horse Black Small.png 8 48 46
FS19 Lizard-LargeHorsePaddock.png
Lizard Large Horse Paddock
95,000 95 FS19 Icon Horse Black Small.png 16 60 46


Maps in Farming Simulator 19 do not contain any Animal Pens by default. Instead, players must purchase and place their own Animal Pens in order to engage in Animal Husbandry work of any kind.

To place a Horse Paddock, the player must first purchase a Parcel of land large enough to contain one, and then gather enough money to purchase a Horse Paddock (see prev. chapter). Horse Paddocks can be purchased through the Placeables category at the Store, under the "Animal Pens" sub-category.

You may place a Horse Paddock on any surface that does not contain any solid object, including houses, permanent roads, other Placeables, trees, vehicles, and so on (painted gravel and concrete surfaces do not count as actual roads). You can place a Horse Paddock on a field, but this will destroy the part of the field that's under the Horse Paddock. You may place the Horse Paddock on uneven ground, and this will flatten the area required for the Paddock for an extra charge. If the ground is very uneven, the game may refuse to allow placing the Horse Paddock altogether, in which case you may need to perform some manual Landscaping first to make the area flatter.

Pay attention to the rotation of the Horse Paddock, as you will need room to access each of the four pick-up/drop-off points. You can see them while placing the structure, but cannot see which point is which; Make sure to save the game before placing the pen so you can reload it if you've made a mistake.

You may place multiple Horse Paddocks on the map, if you can afford them. Note that each Horse Paddock costs a small amount of money per day, deducted at midnight.

Interaction Points

Each Horse Paddock has 4 marked zones around its outside edge, where it can be interacted with in various ways.

Clockwise, from the structure, they are:

  • Animal Dialog (at the structure): when standing here, or when you have a suitable Animal Transport Trailer parked in this zone, you can open the Animal Dialog. If on foot, you can buy or sell Horses whilst incurring a transport fee. If you have a trailer, you can load or unload Horses from the trailer into the Horse Paddock and vice versa.
  • Straw Dropoff Point: Here, loose straw can be tipped out of a Tipper or Loading Wagon, or a straw blower (from the Tools -> Animals section of the Shop) can be used to shred Straw Bales and blow them into the Paddock. Straw Bales can not be dropped in this zone, - Straw has to be loose, or shredded by a straw blower,
  • Water: This is where fill the water trough is filled, using a Tank that can carry Water.
  • Food: This is where Oats and Hay (loose or in bales) can be deposited. Note that unlike other Animal Pens, waste food does not accumulate here (see the section on Training Horses -> Cleanliness below).

Purchasing Horses

Main article: Animal Dealer (Farming Simulator 19)

Before a Horse Paddock can do anything, you must first place at least one Horse inside the paddock.

You may purchase new Horses from the Animal Dealer for $5,000 per Horse. There are 8 different models of Horses in the base game, though they are entirely identical in function.

Horses can be transferred automatically from the Animal Dealer to the selected Paddock for a fee of $300 per Horse. Alternatively, you can bring an Animal Transport to the Animal Dealer to pick up horses yourself and avoid the fee; You will then need to drop them off at the appropriate drop-off area at the Paddock.

If you own multiple Horse Paddocks, you can move horses from one Paddock to another using an Animal Transport.

Input Materials

A Horse Paddock can be filled with up to 4 different kinds of materials. At least three of these are required in order for Horses to avoid losing Health, and in order to allow their Fitness to increase. There are three different drop-off points at a Paddock, each accepting only certain materials.

The capacity for each material at the Horse Paddock is determined entirely by the number of Horses currently living inside that paddock. As horses are added or removed, capacity will increase or decrease respectively.

The capacity for Water and Straw is based on the amount consumed by a single Horse over 10 days (240 hours), multiplied by the number of horses living in the Paddock. Each food type has a capacity of 4,000 per Horse.

Material Capacity per Horse (liters) Notes
FS19 Icon Water Black Small.png
500 Required to improve Health, and to allow improving Fitness.
FS19 Icon Straw Black Small.png
800 Required to improve Health, and to allow improving Fitness.
FS19 Icon Hay Black Small.png
4,000 One of two options required as "Horse Feed", to improve Health and to allow improving Fitness.
On its own (without Oats), Hay provides a very small Health improvement per day and reduces the effectiveness of horse-riding to 52%.
FS19 Icon Oats Black Small.png
4,000 One of two options required as "Horse Feed", to improve Health and to allow improving Fitness.
On its own (without Hay), Oats provide a moderate Health improvement per day and reduces the effectiveness of horse-riding to 68%.

NOTE: You must provide either Hay or Oats to avoid Health deterioration and to improve Fitness, but providing both gives the maximum possible benefit.


Each Horse inside the paddock consumes a set amount of each material, if present. This is processed in 15-minute intervals. The values below show the total consumption per day, per horse.

  • 50 liters of Water
  • 80 liters of Straw
  • 300 liters of Hay
  • 100 liters of Oats

If Water, Straw or both Foods are missing, horses gain no benefits from consuming the other materials - but they will keep consuming them anyway. This effectively wastes the materials.

Training Horses

The purpose of a Horse Paddock is to take low-value Store-bought Horses, increase their value over time through material supply and physical training, and finally sell them off for a huge profit.

Physical Training is the biggest effort involved in Horse Husbandry. Each horse must be ridden for at least 1 minute of real-time per day in order to prevent its "Fitness" stat from deteriorating, and in fact to improve it - thus improving the horse's sale value. In order to improve Fitness as quickly as possible, each Horse must be ridden for at least 5 minutes per day. Horses can be ridden around inside the Paddock, or taken outside to the fields; However they must be returned to the Paddock to be cleaned and/or sold.

The types of materials available at the Paddock are extremely important in determining the horses' "Health" stat. At the bare minimum, you must provide Water, Straw, and either Hay or Oats to your horses; If any of these ingredients is missing, Horses will lose "Health" every hour, which in turn causes their sale value to drop. Lost Health can be restored by providing all three ingredients, and is restored very quickly if both food types are provided simultaneously.

Additionally, the available material supply determines how effective Physical Training will be for your horses. If the Paddock is missing Water, Straw, or both types of Food, the horses' "Fitness" value cannot be improved at all, no matter how much time you spend riding them. Conversely, with all four materials present, Health will be restored quickly and kept at 100%, while Fitness can be improved at the maximum rate by riding your horses. Providing only Hay or only Oats still allows improvement, but at a much slower rate. Hay alone is less effective than Oats alone.


Firstly, you must ensure that your horses' "Health" stat does not deteriorate. This is fairly straightforward, as horses only require Water, Straw and either Hay or Oats to completely avoid this stat deteriorating.

The game will check the Paddock for these ingredients once every full hour. If one is missing, the health of each Horse in the Paddock will deteriorate by -0.75%. Hay and Oats are considered a single ingredient ("Food") for this check.

Lost Health will gradually recover if all three ingredients are present. The rate at which health is restored is based on which food is present, with Hay giving the slowest recovery, Oats giving a moderate recovery, and Hay + Oats together giving the fastest possible recovery.

Once Health returns to 100%, it will stay there as long as Water, Straw and either food are available.


The bulk of the effort comes from training horses to increase their "Fitness" stat, which in turn increases their sale value. Horses start with very low Fitness, and getting them to 100% is the primary goal of Horse Husbandry. This is done by riding your horses daily, whether inside or outside of the Paddock.

Every midnight, the game will check each horse living in the Paddock to see how many minutes it was ridden during the previous 24 hours. If the horse was ridden less than the minimum amount - 1 real-time minute - it will lose 2% Fitness.

To prevent this, you must ride each horse for at least 1 minute, and preferably at least 5 real-time minutes to achieve the best possible Fitness increase per day.

To ride a horse, you must physically enter the Paddock on foot, whether through one of the gates or by jumping over the fence. Approach the horse you wish to train, and press the "Ride" button to mount that horse FS17 KeyboardButton.pngRide HorseDefault Buttons: E ?? ??. You can then ride as explained in the article on Horses.

So long as the horse is not standing still, its "Riding Time" counter will constantly increase. The Animal Overview menu shows a percentage value for each horse indicating how much time it was ridden out of the 5 minutes required for maximum benefit. There is no need to take the horse outside the Paddock to train it, though it is generally easier to ride over open terrain than inside the fenced area.

Once the horse is sufficiently ridden, remember to return it to the Paddock. This will allow you to clean the horse, and is also necessary later on if you wish to sell that horse.

At midnight, the "Riding Time" of each horse

Effect of Food on Fitness

The types of materials available in the Paddock also influence the rate at which Fitness increases.

If Water, Straw, or both food types are missing, Fitness cannot improve at all. Riding a horse at least 1 minute per day will simply keep its Fitness from deteriorating.

If Water, Straw, and at least one food type are all present, the improvement is based on the amount of time spent riding the horse, as well as which type of food is present:

Foods Available Fitness Improvement at Midnight
FS19 Icon Hay Black Small.png FS19 Icon Oats Black Small.png Ridden for
< 1 Minute
Ridden for
1 Minute
Ridden for
5+ Minutes
Yes -- -2% +1.04% +5.2%
-- Yes -2% +1.36% +6.8%
Yes Yes -2% +2% +10%

Note that riding a horse more than 1 minute but less than 5 minutes a day will give a benefit that is linearly proportional to the time spent riding. The formula is:

Fitness Improvement = Maximum Possible Improvement for Available Food Type * (Time Ridden / 5 Minutes)

If both foods are provided at all times, and the horse is ridden at least 5 minutes per day, Fitness should improve to the maximum 100% after exactly 10 nights.


Unlike other Animal Pens, a Horse Paddock does not have a global Cleanliness rating. Instead, the cleanliness of each Horse is tracked separately.

Each horse gets dirty whenever its Riding Time increases (i.e. whenever it is being ridden and is not standing still). It will drop from 100% to 0% within 10 minutes of riding.

Cleaning a horse is very simple and quick. Simply approach the horse on foot inside the Paddock, and press the "Clean Horse" button FS17 KeyboardButton.pngClean HorseDefault Buttons: LMB ?? ?? several times until the horse is clean.

Allowing Cleanliness to drop is not a big issue, but it can subtract up to $500 from the value of the horse at selling time. You can generally avoid cleaning a horse until it is time to sell that horse.

Selling Horses

Once a horse has reached the desired Sale Value, it can be sold for a profit. The maximum Sale Value of any horse is $50,000, which is 10 times its purchase price, for a total gross profit of $45,000 per horse. Horses do not have a practical use after reaching this sale value, but can still be kept for riding around.

You can sell Horses directly by standing on the marked area outside the horse shed and hitting the "Animal Dialog" button FS17 KeyboardButton.pngOpen Animal DialogDefault Buttons: R ?? ??. Selling horses this way incurs a $300 Transport Fee per horse. You can avoid the fee entirely by opening the dialogue while towing an Animal Transport, moving the horses into the transport, and taking them to the Animal Dealer to be sold.

Note that a horse must be inside its home Paddock in order to be sold. If the horse is outside the paddock, the game will refuse to sell it. You cannot ride a horse to the Animal Dealer to sell it there.

Selling the Pen

You may sell a Horse Paddock for exactly half its purchase price through the Garage menu.

A Horse Paddock can only be sold if it currently contains no Horses. You can sell off the Horses (see prev. chapter) at any time to facilitate this.

Note that you will not be reimbursed for any materials left inside the paddock when it is sold.