Pig Food/Farming Simulator 17

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FS17 Icon PigFood Black Small.png

Pig Food is a type of Material in Farming Simulator 17. Pig Food can be dumped into the feeding trough at a Pig Enclosure to provide the Pigs with a perfect mix of all four food types they require in order to breed at a rate of 80% - the maximum rate given by any food.

Pig Food can be purchased from the Store as the Lizard Pig Food Bigbag, a Pallet which contains exactly 1,000 liters. This pallet costs exactly $1,000. The contents of the pallet can be dumped into the Pig Enclosure just like regular food. Alternatively, it can be loaded directly into a Tipper (without the need for any other loading equipment), stored inside the Tipper, and dumped into the food trough when required. It can also be dumped from a Tipper on the ground to create a Heap of Pig Food, which can then by Shoveled into the Pig Enclosure or back into a Tipper.

When dumped into a feeding trough, Pig Food is instantly converted into its constituent parts: It adds 50% of its volume as Corn, 25% as Grain, 20% as Oilseeds, and 5% as Roots, to be stored in the four different food compartments inside the Enclosure. These proportions are identical to the rates of consumption for each of these food groups.

Coincidentally, the price of Pig Food is almost exactly equivalent to the highest expected market value of its ingredients, which can otherwise only be acquired by growing the relevant crops. Pig Food is therefore a perfectly reasonable and profitable substitute to field-grown Crops.

With just Pig Food, Water, Straw and frequent cleaning, Pigs will breed at the maximum rate of 100%, and require no further effort or materials.