Sale Point/Farming Simulator 19

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A Sale Point or Selling Station is a place on the map where certain products can be sold for money. There are multiple Sale Points on each map. Different Sale Points may purchase different types of materials.

A Sale Point is marked on the map with a special icon, similar to the icon for a Silo or Lime Station, but colored orange.

The price for each commodity at each Sale Point is unique to that sale point, and fluctuates over time with the market. To view a list of all current prices at each Sale Point, visit the Market Prices list.

Types of Sale Points

There are four different types of Sale Points in the game, each buying a different set of products. There may be multiple of each type on a map, though in the base game there are only multiple Crop Sale Points, and only one of each other type of Sale Point.

Crop Sale Points

The Crop Sale Points are the primary Sale Points players are likely to use during the game. These Sale Points purchase all types of Grain and Root crops, as well as any edible product from Animal Pens.

The Crop Sale Point itself has a raised platform with a grate, and two ramps leading on and off the platform. Once a Tipper containing a suitable product is on the Sale Point, you will get the option to unload your produce into the Sale Point. Press the "Unload" button FS17 KeyboardButton.pngUnloadDefault Buttons: I ?? ?? to start unloading your produce; You will be paid for ever single liter you unload. You may press the same button again to stop unloading at any time.

Crop Sale Points accept the following products:


The Spinnery is a unique Sale Point for Wool and Cotton. This Sale Point has no grate - instead it has a flat Sale Area marked with yellow and black stripes at the corners (if markings are turned on in the settings menu).

The Spinnery accepts the following products:

The object detection area of this sale point extends a short distance above the ground (roughly 2 meters). Any Wool Pallet or Cotton Bale detected within this area will be sold automatically (with one exception noted below). If the pallets are stacked high on a trailer, the pallets at the top of the stack will sell only once they drop down to a lower height.

Wool Pallets are normally transported as "free objects" on open-topped Bale Trailers, and will therefore be sold immediately as soon as they enter the marked area - there is usually no need to unload them at all. Again, if they are stacked high on top of each other, the pallets at the bottom will be sold first, causing the pallets at the top to drop down and be sold as well. If this doesn't occur, you may need to manually unload the pallets or otherwise jiggle them around until they drop to the proper height.

Cotton Bales behave the same way, except they are not considered "free objects" while inside a Cotton Bale Collector. If the bales are transported to the Spinnery inside a Bale Collector, you will need to unload the collector onto the marked area first.


The Barn is a unique Sale Point that specializes in non-edible crop products. This Sale Point has no grate - instead it has a flat Sale Area marked with yellow and black stripes at the corners (if markings are turned on in the settings menu).

The Barn accepts the following products:

If the materials are brought to this sale point in loose form, they can be dumped onto the marked area just like crops (see prev. subsection). Similarly, dropping any Bale (other than Cotton Bales) onto this area will immediately sell the item.

Note that Bales that are transported inside a Bale Collector are not considered "free objects", and will not be sold automatically. You will need to unload the collector onto the marked area in order to sell them.


The Sawmill is a unique Sale Point that specializes in wood products. This Sale Point has no grate - instead it has a flat Sale Area marked with yellow and black stripes at the corners (if markings are turned on in the settings menu).

The Sawmill accepts the following products:

  • Logs
  • FS19 Icon WoodChips Black Small.png Wood Chips

To sell Wood Chips, dump them directly onto the marked area as you would with regular Crops.

Logs are not sold automatically. To sell logs, place them on the marked sale area (or park your vehicle/trailer over it), and interact FS17 KeyboardButton.pngInteractDefault Buttons: R ?? ?? with the glowing icon in front of the Sawmill to immediately sell any logs detected within or above the marked area.

Biogas Plant

The Biogas Plant is an unusual type of Sale Point that works very differently from others.

In order to use the Biogas Plant's sale point, you must first purchase the Parcel that contains it. Otherwise, no sale will be possible here.

Once the Biogas Plant is purchased, you can dump a variety of materials into the marked area. Materials dumped here are not sold immediately; Instead they accumulate in the plant's internal storage tanks. At midnight, you will be paid the entire sum for all of the dumped materials.

The Biogas Plant accepts the following materials:

The storage tanks inside the Biogas Plant can only accept up to 50,000 liters of Silage and 50,000 liters of Slurry/Manure. Once a tank is full, you cannot dump any more of that material into the tank. However, every second of in-game time, 10 liters of space are freed up in each tank. Therefore, you can essentially dump up to 36,000 liters of material into either tank per hour of in-game time, or 864,000 liters per day.

In addition to cash payout, the Biogas Plant also converts the dumped materials into Digestate, which accumulates in a separate tank. This material works the same as Slurry, but cannot be sold anywhere on the default maps.

Prices at the Biogas Plant are completely stable and do not fluctuate at all. The Biogas Plant never experiences Great Demand either.

Sale Price

Each Sale Point offers a certain amount of money for each liter of material sold there. The current price of each material at each Sale Point is displayed in the Market Prices list. To access this list, open the Overview menu FS17 KeyboardButton.pngOverview MenuDefault Buttons: ESC ?? ?? and select the Prices tab at the top (the bar-graph icon). Locate the material you wish to sell, and below it you can see each Sale Point that accepts the material and the price it offers for that material.

If a product is sold at two or more different Sale Points, each will likely offer a different price for that product. Naturally, you will want to sell your products at the Sale Point that offers the highest price. Of course, Fuel costs to get to a more distant Sale Point can offset the profit, if the difference is very small. Consider this carefully when deciding where to sell.

The price of materials fluctuates in response to market pressures. The game updates these prices at random intervals, fluctuating them up or down at random. Any Sale Point can offer the highest price one day, or the lowest price the next day. Selling repeatedly at a single Sale Point is therefore rarely ideal.

Prices do not change instantly. Instead, the game decides a "target" price for a commodity, and then shifts the price up or down $1 at a time until it reaches that target. While the price is changing, a green or red arrow appears next to the price on the list, indicating that it is rising or dropping (respectively). Once the price reaches its target, the colored arrow disappears and the price will likely remain constant for some time.

The market fluctuates randomly, but also responds to the amount of materials sold by the player. If the player sells a specific type of crop, for example, then the game is more like to choose lower "target" prices whenever it decides to make an update - causing prices to generally drop. If a specific crop has not been sold for some time, the game is more likely to choose higher "target" prices instead. It is currently unclear exactly how much affect the selling of products has on the market, or how long it takes before the market recovers after any sale.

Market prices normally fluctuate to a maximum of 30% above or 30% below the basic price of any commodity. For example, if the basic sale price of Corn stands at \$665 per 1,000 liters on the Normal Economic Difficulty setting, actualprices at Sale Points can be anywhere between \$465 and \$864.

A Sale Point may also randomly experience Great Demand. This causes the price of a single commodity at that particular Sale Point to rise by a random factor (up to several times the basic price), and stay there for a period of no more than 24 hours of in-game time. Great Demand can raise the price much higher than the normal 30% limit.